Thursday, July 23, 2009

Learn to SWIM!!

Here are two of Addison's last ISR lessons of the season. Remarkable how well she's done. She kicks off the wall now and can swim about 5 feet or so before she needs to come up for a breath when we're in our pool at home. It's quite humbling and sad to know that there are so many kids out there who drown in family pools or wander off to other bodies of water. They don't have a chance without some kind of lesson. So, to all you moms and dads out there or caring adults of young people - GET THEM LESSONS! I rarely get on my soapbox, but I feel very strongly that everyone needs to know how to swim. Even adults. If you don't know how to swim, get over yourself, go to the YMCA or where ever and get some adult swim lessons. It's a skill you don't "unlearn" and you never know when you might need it...even if it's to save someone else.

So, as inspiration, check out my brilliant 2 1/2 year old daughter and what she's learned. She's AMAZING as ever.

Here's the monkey crawl to a safe place...