Friday, August 9, 2013

Cow tipping - I call shenanigans...

Just had another person claim to be part of cow-tipping. I'm not a believer. I find it ridiculous actually. So many people have crazy stories of late night cow-tipping, usually sneaking up on an unsuspecting sleeping cow and seemingly effortlessly tip the cow over. Sometimes it involves alcohol (the humans, not the cows).
You must think me extremely gullible to believe that a 1000 pound animal, that generally sleeps laying down, allowed you to put your hands on it long enough to knock it over. And that a 170-200 pound person with little muscle is capable of doing that. Not to mention, usually where there is one there is a herd. I call shenanigans and resent you for thinking I'd believe it.
I suppose it's plausible that you can knock a cow over, under the right circumstances. Perhaps you have several beefy, athletic-types helping, but late-night and drunk? Or maybe you just had the damn thing tied up. Plus, did you consider that 1000 pounds falling on it's side wouldn't cause some kind of injury? You're a jerk to boot.
So many times I've heard this stupid story and actually got into a bit of an argument with a cocky guy about how ridiculous it was. Since it takes so much effort for me to NOT roll my eyes when someone is making up their story, I generally lose the energy it takes to argue about it further - because that's how they choose to remember it. I walk away with a little less respect for the storyteller.