Top 13! I can't hardly believe we've made it this far! We're just that closer to the finale. Yay!
Here we go...
First order of business: What the hayell is Paula wearing? Feathers? She looks ridiculous. That out of the way, Michael Jackson? I have my doubts about this week. There are going to be some pretty dumb song choices I can tell already.
Lil Rounds - They seriously need to find some new clips of her. We keep seeing the same clips of her kids and hubby over and over. I wanna see something new!
"The Way You Make Me Feel" - Not as good as last week. I also really hate her outfit. It's like somebody dragged out their prom dress from 1985, cut it off and called it a top. I wasn't really that crazy about the song and it wasn't as good as the judges say.
Scott MacIntyre -
"Keep the Faith" Yay! Piano! He's so cute. And he does much much better behind the instrument. Still not the best singer, but he'll make it a long way I think. Not sure he'll win, but he'll get far enough to matter. This was a good performance.
Is it me, or does it completely look like Paula's had some botox around the eyes? Something looks off. I think she tries to cover it up with her hair and makeup, but she is a little puffy or something. I'll bet you she'll have her hair up next week.
Danny Gokey -
"PYT" Started off weak, I didn't like the a capella part. I hate this song. What the hell is a "tenderoni"? This was a terrible performance in my opinion. I mean, he picked it up after he got started, but I really couldn't hardly stand it. And I like you, Danny, I just wasn't feelin' it, dawg. And Paula - "going out on a limb" about Danny taking it all? Wooo. That's a hell of a limb there. DUH! Stupid that she picks this song to say it. Anyway, he's a cutie with loads of talent. We'll see you next week Danny. I heart you.
Michael Sarver -
"You Are Not Alone" - Um...no. He's alright, but I'm b-o-r-e-d....zzzzzz. Boo. He might be going home tomorrow. Didn't do the song justice...it's such a nice song. I hardly recognized it. Wha??? Were the judges even listening to the same song? Ugh. They know nothing.
Looks like Paula's feathers are trying to choke her. Hmm.
Jasmine Murray -
"I'll Be There" - She looks a little like Gladys Knight I think. Anyway. It was a good performance, but about midway through she fell a little flat. And the popping with the mic was driving me nuts. Wasn't the best for me...but again, I think she'll go through a couple more rounds.
Kris Allen -
"Remember the Time" I can't even here his guitar. Was he really playing? It was a valiant effort, but what a weird song to pick. Another MJ song I'm not crazy about. He did alright, but it wasn't fabulous. Strange to dance around with a guitar. The foot moves seemed akward.
Paula's dress is falling apart.
Allison Iraheta -
"Give in to Me" Different persona shown of her this week. Somebody musta told her to tone it down a bit. She was much more mature sounding in her interview and the song was rocking. Good job and she wasn't nearly as annoying as she has been. (Her mom kinda looks like Martha Stewart)
Anoop Desai -
"Beat it" - His look is getting better. The stylist is doing him good. Singing...oh man. He may have blew it picking this song. He did alright, but "beat it"? I dunno. I don't think he's endearing enough to the public to be able to pull this off just yet.
Jorge Nunez -
"Never Can Say Goodbye" - Is everyone in Puerto Rico related to Jorge? 40 some people...how many people actually live there? Okay, so the song was good. Maybe one of the better of the night. Not THE best. I'm still standing by the fact that I don't care for him...but he sings nice. :)
Megan Corkrey -
"Rockin' Robin" - I don't really understand why these people come on saying they are doing this for their families and how much it pains them to be away from their families. What do they think is going to happen? They'll be on tour for at least 6 months, not to mention endless interviews and IF they win the competition it just gets worse. Anyway...this was a good song for her...she's so silly! Her weird dancing and the bird call at the end --- from anyone else it would irritate me to no end, but from her, it's just cute!
Adam Lambert -
"Black or White" - what is it about him that I don't like? I dunno. The hair? The dramatics (theatrical dramatics, not the hysterical dramatics like the headband dude.)? The rocker stuff? I'm not a rocker girl. Still, he's good. He knows what he's doing. I'm usually impressed after he sings. 'Nuff said.
What is that nonsense hanging from Paula's arm?
Matt Giraud -
"Nature" - Ah, man. A crying dad? He's a shoe-in this week. Another instrument dude. Nice. I like it. I mean, singing is one thing, but to coordinate your hands moving all different directions making pretty sounds AND sing is genius to me. This song seemed short to me. He did a good job though.
Alexis Grace -
"Dirty Diana" - She just looks so tiny. A tiny package of talent. She's got the gumption of Carrie Underwood. She'll be one to make it to the top as well. Could it be Alexis and Danny? I dunno, we'll see. I hope the weird number doesn't hurt her.
Who's going home? Michael and Kris