
More to come...this will be funny things Addison says or definitions she's made up.

Each-by-each - used to describe when a pair of things are placed next to each other in rows.
The Day After This Day - tomorrow or any day following the current day.
The Day Before This Day - yesterday or days immediately following
Baseroom - basement.
Dobbicate-when you sleep all day and night.
Boyacate-when you stay awake all day and night.
Poyocate-when you get up in the middle of the night to potty and go back to bed.

Addison said...

Addison: deuce means poop
Greg: how do you know that?
Addison: my brain! My brain tells me smart things!

Addison had a little meltdown moment at the store and later I said to her "you know you behave badly when you're tired, right?" She says, "I know that mom, you don't have to tell me that."

While getting eggs at the grocery, Addison asks, "Will they hatch by the morning?". I said, "I hope not because that would be a real bummer at breakfast."

Addison: Mommy, I can't get the toilet paper to go down the sink!
Me: Why are you putting toilet paper in the sink?
Addison: Because I wanted to.
Me: Greg, come get the toilet paper out of the sink.

After a nap, I asked Addison what she dreamed about. Rolling her eyes she said, "nothing. you don't dream everyday".

"You shouldn't run and fall because you could hurt yourself."

Addison: guess what the fairies left me...a SEASHELL!
Me: oh! Do you think they brought it from the beach somewhere?
Addison: No, they got it in the grass. There's no beach here.

Me: Addison, stop whining.
Addison: I'm not whining, I'm grumbling.
Me: Whatever it is, stop it.

Asked Addison if she would like to stop by the Disney Store at Polaris on the way back home. She says "well...I like toys! If they don't have toys there I think I might die because I'll be bored".

"Mommy, can I watch Disney Junior where the magic begins?"

(Addison rolling in the grass)
Me: What are you doing?
Addison: I'm seizing the day!

Addison said she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up...then had an epiphany and changed it to a princess teacher so she could wear a tiara.

"French fries are good for the heart!"

"The woodpecker knocks on the door of tree with his nose."

About Blankie: "He keeps me safe while I sleep and the shadows don't get to me."

Singing David Lee Roth's "I ain't got nobody" with the radio and when it's over Addison says "why doesn't he have a body? Is he a skeleton?".

Addison: Where does the Easter bunny live?
Me: I dunno...Cottontail Village?
Addison: No, Bunny Hill. All bunnies come from Bunny Hill.

When asking Addison to tell me about Martin Luther King, Jr. she says, "he doesn't wear a crown." True. "He said I have a dream and told everyone to be friends and drink from water fountains."

Addison (handing me a screw): I think this gurged off your door.
Me: Gurged? What does that mean?
Addison: It's when a screw falls off or gets screwed on.

"Sherbet tastes like lollipops!"

Addison: I wish I had a magic box so I could wish for juice.
Me: do you need juice?
Addison: yes.
Me: why didn't you just ask?

I wake up and Addison says whispering, "you have to be quiet and tip toe. The whole town is asleep."