Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AI: top 10 boot off

Now we have to watch movie promos during the show?!? Brother.

Really? Didi over Tim and Katie? I don't know if I can take another week of Tim.

BTW, the beauty of DVR'ing the show and watching it back is that I'm not subjected to nonsense like PDiddy and his Dirty Money.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Top 10: AI

What IS it with Kara and Simon?

Siobhan - oh dear. That was pretty terrible. She's been knocked down a couple notches on my list.

Here's a perfect lesson... Ellen = real tan (she was just in Orlando taping her show)... Kara = spray tan. Just in case you don't know the difference.

Casey - not bad! I thought it was great and one of his best yet even though he seemed a bit nervous at first. I liked it and it was the perfect song for him.

Big Mike - he did a great job too. I worried because it was a slow song and that usually kills the contestant but it was good.

I don't get the celebrities wearing shades inside. How can they see?

Didi - am I the only one not surprised that Didi cries nearly every night? Poor Usher. Looked like he was slowly backing up from the weeping chick. Okay, so that was pretty good though it seemed measured so it was a bit boring near the end, but I think she mixed it up enough to make it alright. Siobhan did worse tonight in my opinion. I'm confused about why she wouldn't say what the song was for. Weird.

Tim - I'm so over you Tim and your goofy faces and too white teeth. Boooooorrrrriiiiiinnnnnnggggg....zzzzz. Huh? What? Sorry, I think I fell asleep. Timmy, go home.

Andrew - I love Andrew and I loved this song. I would totally buy an album of his. Nice.

Katie - I knew before it started that I probably wouldn't like it. When she tries to pull of the girl-power, strong female she comes across as a little girl playing dress-up. I didn't like her outfit either. Nobody is looking good in those shorts jumpers. Trying to look more mature she ended up looking younger.

Lee - not my favorite. He did okay and is probably getting closer to his "sound". This is his genre. He might do well to go the country/rock route.

Crystal - heels? What have they done to you? I still love you. It certainly was a different performance for her. It was good! I was a little worried about the piano - seeing as how the whole point last week was about getting out from behind the instrument, but she got out from behind the piano and surprised us all.

Aaron - it was good, but didn't blow my socks off.

Fun fact: Simon is allergic to lambs wool.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Top 11 boot off

Admittedly we are watching both yeaterdays episode and tonights all at once. We got busy and by the time we looked at the clock the whole evening had gone.

Tim and Paige in the bottom 3...sounds appropriate.
How odd that Miley Cyrus is a mentor...but surprisingly I wasn't as annoyed with her as I thought I'd be. She acted like a professional and had valuable criticism.

I thought Didi sounded pissed and frustrated. I'm also surprised that Aaron wasn't in the bottom 3.

What the? I totally disagree with Katie being in the bottom 3. I think this might be a case of people thinking other people are voting for her. Usually when this happens I think it opens the fans eyes and they truly start voting properly.

The Jonas/Demi Lovato song was true to the Disney saccharine of a lot of their Disney kid collaboration songs. Cheesy.

Yay! Paige is gone! I don't even need to hear her sing for redemption. I already know! But what a blow for her to NOT be able to sing it. Yikes.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The lady at the bus stop

I saw a homely looking woman waiting for the bus last week. Don't get me wrong, because around here the bus transport does not have a good reputation and those that use it are not looked upon favorably even if it's a choice. Anyway, back to the lonely woman. There she sat on a sunny, clear almost Spring day. Waiting. She was dressed relatively poorly - trousers too short for her tall frame, baggy shirt and jacket and a large bag holding any number of treasures. Even her shoes had seen better days. She wasnt particularly attractive. What struck me most about this woman was the sponge curler smack dab in the middle of her forehead. All I could think of, or wonder about was who was that curler for? She obviously had to have had it in for some special occasion later, right? She could have taken it out before riding the bus, but this seemed purposeful. Some big occasion that she'd patiently wait for her bangs to curl over her forehead. Was she planning on a romantic interlude? Perhaps just meeting with an old friend. Maybe even just visiting with family. So, here I am wondering what she did later and wishing it was worth her efforts to look pretty and hoping that someone else noticed.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

American Idol Top 12 boot off

Orianthi - she really rips on that electric guitar.

Not surprised about Paige and Tim being in the bottom three, although I was a little surprised about Aaron NOT being there.

Ke$ha - boy, I thought the 90's produced the worst decade of music so far, but with artists like this and Lady Gaga, this decade may take the prize. Whew.

Grrr. Another week with Paige. Alright America, let's get serious here. Sorry to see Lacey go.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 12: Rolling Stones week

Rolling Stones is kind of a strange choice of musical groups, but whatever I guess.
Michael did okay.
Didi I wasn't so crazy about. Maybe it was the song?
Casey - maybe this was a more appropriate challenge for him. He's done better than the previous two and I liked the guitar. He looked so nervous and soo excited.
Lacey - it was interesting, but I'm not sure it was good enough.
Andrew - I didn't like the song choice. Wasn't impressed, but I still have love for Andrew.
Katie - not bad. I think it might have been one of her best. Not my favorite. She reminds me a teensy of Kathrine McPhee only not vocally as good.
Tim - hmmm. He makes goofy faces. He seemed off a bit. I liked the song and the arrangement, but he was kind of pitchy to me. Maybe I don't know the song.
Siobhan - quirky little Siobhan. She was gorgeous! The song lingered at the beginning but I think it got better toward the end. Not a personal best for her, but she's a strong singer. He always ends well. Is that an Edward Gorey tattoo on her right arm? Sorry mom, but that's cool.
Lee - am I repeating myself every week? Maybe I'm contradicting, I don't know cause I'm not looking back. He's not my favorite. I'm sure I've been pretty consistent about that. That said, he did pretty good. I liked this performance more than any of his past ones.
Paige - if she doesn't go home this week...I'll be disappointed. She just can't sing those lower registered. And it was a stupid song for her. She struggled with her voice this week? She struggles with it every week. Seriously. They'll think differently when they hear it back.
Aaron - oh yeah, I forgot about him. He's got a ways to go. I think with age he'll get better but I don't think he's better than anyone else performing.
Crystal - amazing! And how cute was her dad?!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, March 11, 2010

AI Top 16 boot off

Who went -
I can't believe Paige made it through! Not that Kaitlyn did any better, but that means somebody else will have to leave that may not have deserved to go.

Todrick - I'm not surprised. I also realize that when the guys get kicked off and have to sing they usually do the best job ever. The girls - well, not so much. And they are just a blubbering mess!

I would have been very upset if Andrew hadn't made it through I did feel a little bad for Alex. He's just a shy guy. Maybe he'd be a better recording artist and not so much a stage performer.

So back to the girls. Katie and Lilly. I knew this was going to happen when Paige made it through. Neither of these two deserve to leave and I think they both had more to show. When it came down to it though, I'm shocked it ended up being Lilly. Seems like she was surprised too.

Now we have our TOP 12! This will be interesting!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AI Top 16 boys night

Lee - hmm. He actually did pretty good! It was a good song choice. I believe he'd be a decent country singer.

Alex - again a pretty good performance. The boys are kickin' it tonight! So, about Alex. He's not my favorite because he's a nose singer. He doesn't consistently impress me.

With Paula gone, Kara actually makes a good judge. I think Paula sucked her smart brain cells out. I find that she gives the most helpful and constructive criticism. She actually sounds like she knows what she's talking about...usually.

Tim - one of my favorite songs. Didn't blow me away, but it wasn't terrible and he's cute, so I think he'll be okay. Nobody does it like Jason Castro did (swoon).

Andrew - Christina Aguilera, huh? Interesting. My favorite of the boys. I'm glad he went back to his roots, kind of. This was weird to me though. Not sure why but I think maybe it sounded kitchy or something.

Casey - it was okay, but it wasn't the best of the night. Too slow and I'm not sure I liked the arrangement.

Aaron - yuck. I think he pulled a Paige. He let his nerves get to him. Certainly he'll get kicked off. And what was with his jerky movements?

Todrick - I think it was too much. It sounded too much like a gospel song and his runs were all over the place. I'm sure somebody would like it. Not my kind of music.

Michael - I didn't like it. The beginning was weird. He picked it up in the middle, but it was weird to me.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AI Top 16 girls night

Katie - oh wow. She was so flat for most of the song. It really was not a good song. She's got chops, but she might not make it through this week. I thought it sounded pretty bad.

Siobhan - looks like the wardrobe department got to her! She looks good and I thought she did a great job especially since it was mostly acapella. She's got talent and great control.

Lacey - a Brandi Carlisle song is the perfect choice for her. That said, I was a little underwhelmed by her and I'm not sure many are all that familiar with Brandi Carlisle. Maybe I'm wrong. I agreed with Randy that it was her best performance so far, but I dunno. Was it good enough for her to make through?

Katelyn - Carole King reincarnated (well, except for the fact that Carole is still alive AND she sounds nothing like her). I didn't think it was great. She's in the running to pack her bags and head home this week. And ew! The head tilt! Stop it!

Didi - she reminds me of Ingrid Michaelson. That's who I've been trying to remember. It was decent but I was hoping there would be more to it. It was safe though and I think it showcased her style and her voice.

Paige - what? That was simply terrible. I think she knew it too.

Crystal - no one could have pulled that off but her. Awesome!

Lilly - a little weird. I usually really like her, but I didn't like this much. Maybe I'm still reeling from Crystal but it was strange.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, March 4, 2010

AI top 20 boot off

I said it before and I'll say it again - Fox, you are insulting me by showing me a lip-synched performance by a bunch of amatuers. I will not watch the group performances if I can help it. Booooo!

First to go - John Park (I'm not sure he was the worst if the boys)
Next up - Jermaine - not surprised

Michelle - I'm kind of surprised by this because I'd thought she'd stay a few more weeks anyway, but I'm not totally surprised since her performance wasn't stellar yesterday.

Haeley - oh my GOD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I was starting to form an ulcer over her. Whew!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

American Idol Top 20 girls

Crystal - she's great. She's original. She's refreshing. I'm glad she's back.

Haeley - of course she's singing Miley Cyrus. You can't see me but I roll my eyes continuously while she's talking, singing, breathing. Blehhh. She blew it anyway.

Lacey - better than last week but she started out rough. It did get much better at the end so I hope people can look past the first part. She is very nervous.

Katie - I thought it was great. The advice she gets is inconsistent and confusing. If that's her style, that's her style. There aren't many good young artists for her to emulate.

Didi - hmm. The arrangement was very weird. I'm not sure I liked it.

Michelle - it wasn't the best. Not the best of the night and not her personal best. Kinda disappointed. And she had some bizarro gloves on.

Lilly - I still love her. It was a strange song choice, but it was okay.

Katelyn - I had my doubts with a Coldplay song, but I thought it was good and showed a different side of her. Her head tilting when people are talking to her reminds me of a curious puppy. It's kind of annoying.

Paige - I wasn't watching her sing, so by not seeing her I thought she was identical to Kelly Clarkson. It was good but they are always talking about being different and not sound like the original singer and I think she could have been an impersonator.

Siobhan - she has a different style for sure. And she's a little odd. I am so over this song. "think" and I don't think it was her best. She hit the high notes well, but it wasn't all great.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

American Idol Top 20 boys

So rumor has it Crystal B is suffering from diabetic complications. We'll see if that's true.

Mike L. - pretty good! I like that he went a little bluesy tonight. It actually made more sense to me than last weeks performance.

John P. - the song was sooooo sloooow, which I think hurts the performers because they have such a short time to sing and we feel like we don't hear much, but I think it sounded pretty good. I thought it was better than last week.

Casey - hmm. What was the whole thing with the box. Grr. I hate surprises. Not the best performance of the night...though I liked the guitar bit. He didn't impress me tonight though.

Alex - it was nice. He has a bit of a Jason Mraz sound about him. He still looked nervous as hell.

Todrick - I didn't think it was better than last week. He sounded a little off. Seriously? They booed Ellen? There's a reason we have judges.

Jermaine - what the hell happened to your hair, bro? Don't do that again. Okay, so he's not my favorite guy, but it wasn't terrible...well not like nails on a chalkboard, but if I could, I probably would have changed the channel. I think he might go home. He was a little sharp I think especially at the beginning. And NObody, but nobody can do Marvin Gaye but Marvin Gaye, so don't even try. I better not hear any Barry White either.

Andrew - love him! He's one to beat (or not!)

Aaron - that is a 16 year-olds song. Bleh.

Tim - I wanted to like him, but I can't. Listening to him sing is disappointing. He's cute, but he's not singing well and certainly doesn't stand out at all.

Lee - I've said it before, he sounds too much like anyone else. I would not buy his albums. I don't think he'll go home, but I don't want him as my American Idol.

-- Post From My iPhone