Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The new daycare

We switched Addison to a new daycare mostly because of issues we were having with the old one and Addison’s general unhappiness there. She cried and clung to me when I dropped her off and seemed glad to be going home most of the time. It was a battle every morning. We took a break over the summer, and perhaps she matured over the couple of months she was home, but I’d like to think it has more to do with her just being more stimulated and nurtured at her new “school”. She calls the old one the “Black Daycare” because they made all the kids wear all black pants and shirts. She’s excited to go into her classroom and talk to Ms. Beth. I only had an issue where I had to drop her off early and she had to have breakfast in the cafeteria and she had a fit about that for like, a second…and we had an incident last week where another student in her classroom got mad and pushed Addison which resulted in her face-planting into a chair. No injury other than a red mark which lasted the day and some hurt feelings, but I felt like they handled it appropriately and I was just relieved that a) it wasn’t her that was doing the pushing and b) they actually told me about it and wrote up an incident report. The other girl got a time-out from the group and her mom was going to get told. Ooooh! So glad it wasn’t me. Addison relayed the story to us several times and said how next time maybe she and the girl could put the doll away together so the other girl wouldn’t get mad. Who is this kid of mine? Anyway, her teacher is awesome and they encourage family to come to read to the kids, do projects, bring snacks or have lunch. I’m very excited to see her progress this year. She’s starting dance at the school on Fridays and if they attend consistently they’ll be in the Spring Program in May! How exciting!

P.S.  Greg reminds me that she also called her old daycare the "Bad Daycare" because they yelled at her.  You know, now that I think back on this, it really makes me mad because I thought she was being a bad kid...when in reality she may have just been getting yelled at for nothing...and really, no one needs to be yelling at my kid but me.  Especially someone who is supposed to be mentoring young children.  Thanks Greg.