Friday, June 26, 2009


I don't have a video editing program which will allow me to splice these 4 videos together, so you'll have to watch them concurrently...but I'm sure you'll get the idea. These are 4 different times (and there were many more) where Addison was showing her bravery by dunking her own head under water. She holds her breath for such a long time sometimes that I have to pull her up for fear that she'll turn into a mermaid or something. She's getting more and more brave by dipping her head back when I'm holding her and she even floats on her back and will occasionally let go if you prompt her enough. It's quite amazing to see. Last night in the pool she was actually asking to swim back and forth between mommy and daddy and a couple times she got tossed in when she was ready. Her ISR instructor is trying to teach her to say "Here I come!" whenever she's ready to get in the pool or wants to swim to someone. I think she's also teaching her a few float/swim combos where she goes into a short burst of swimming after rolling over from a float and then rolling back over to a float again. The goal is that eventually she could make it to the ladder. Big improvements from the first time she went 2 years ago. Well worth the money!

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