Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Addison update with video

Addison has started daycare fulltime now and it's been a struggle, but I think she's on her way to accepting it. A few weeks ago I got a report that she had taught the class to sing "B-I-N-G-O". Today, Greg said the teachers think she's the smartest in her class! She's been learning so much and catches on quickly. Imagine our surprise when she started singing a song we hadn't heard her sing all by herself. She knows all the words and can sing it all by herself, though she prefers some group participation. She likes if you sing her a word and she'll finish the phrase. Here's a video to illustrate. I subtitled it, but I think she says the words relatively clearly, though some might not be familiar with the song.

Needless to say, I'm a proud mama. Addison is a genius! She's also been learning to jump and hop, and catch and throw a ball. She can kick the ball like a pro. She could be a great soccer player, though Greg and I aren't so sure we're ready to be soccer parents. We will be, I'm sure and cheering her along from the sidelines. Can't wait to see what the next day will bring. She's just full of surprises.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Very cute! She is absolutely adorable...!!!