Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's your name again?

I have this disease that causes people’s names to leave my brain as soon as I see their face. When I think of a person, I can recall what they look like and immediately remember their name. But when I’m face-to-face with them, it’s like my brain goes blank and the name escapes me. I tried to be brave and conquer this by vowing to purposefully call a person by their name when they speak to me. This should help right? I’ve read that it’s a technique people use to remember new people’s names. Well, not when you have too long of a pause before you say their name and not when your brain gives you the wrong name. A person passing in the hall says, “Hi Christie!”. I say, “Hi - - - - Kkkkathy!” to a Karen. I even tried associations. There’s a guy named Lincoln. So I think, okay – when I see this guy, I have to remember he’s named after a city and a president. I should be able to remember now. I have 2 things to reference him to. So, he comes by and says hello and I want badly to call him Jackson. I know it’s not right, but by the time I try to remember BOTH the place AND the president, too much time has gone by. I've had that person who looks at me blankly everytime we've met like it's the first time and ask me "Who are you, again?" or "Do you work here?". After 5 or 6 times I start to wonder if I'm so forgettable. I don't want to be that person. Plus it seems a little, I dunno, like dementia or something.

I’ve given up. I won’t even try anymore. Save myself the utter embarrassment. It’s not that I don’t know you – I just can’t remember the name that goes with you. So if I see you and you say hi to me, don’t assume I don’t know your name, just remember that I won’t say it. I might know, I might not. No one will be any the wiser.

Maybe I need some kind of trademark hello like a wink and a point so it’s not so obvious. Maybe that suck of air between your teeth that makes the click sound would round it out nicely. I’ll try that.

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