Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 get voted off tonight

I think Paula still has the moves. She also looks decent as long as her clevage isn't showing.

I'm totally annoyed that they are lip syncing again. What's the point of the microphones? Is this a singing competition or a dance competition. I appreciate the work they put into it, but I'm watching the show for singing. I want to hear them sing. I did not hear them sing. Boo!

YAY! Lil is gone! That was a quick dismissal, but why drag it out anyway. We all knew it.

Um. Yeah. So they bring these singers of disco-days-past...I'm wondering if they've performed at all in all that time. The first chick - sorry, I don't know who that was, but she was terrible. I thought when she was doing that crouchy dance that we were going to see a moment where she'd have to be picked up off the ground, but the lady did alright. I did not need to see her boobs almost come out of her dress when she did the looooow bow. The second chick was okay, but damn that was a short dress AND her boobs were poppin out the top! I wouldn't care to hear KC except his background singers pulled him through that song. What a goofy looking man.

I'm still glad David Archuleta didn't win idol.

Poor Anoop. I knew the end was near and wish it would have been Allison, but I'm not terribly surprised. Good Job Anoop.

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