Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Trauma of Daycare

It’s been a trial, but I think she’s finally getting into the swing of it. She started the first week a little confused and out of sorts because her daily routine was changing for the first time. By the end of the week we were in full blown freak-out mode because she couldn’t figure out what was going on. Week 2 – well, it’s a blur for me. I’d say weeks 2 and 3 were the worst ever. Every morning as soon as daddy left for work, she’d start whining and wimpering saying she didn’t want to go to daycare. She didn’t want me to go to work. We should just stay home. As much as I’d like that, it’s not an option right now. She began to equate Greg leaving for work with her miserable day at daycare about to begin. She’d cry from the time we left the house until we got to daycare when she’d switch to clinging and panicking. She would moan for me not to leave…but I had to. It was heartbreaking and a little concerning. I couldn’t figure out why she hated daycare so much. Then I realized it wasn’t so much the daycare as it was the huge change in routine. Her first time being left with people she didn’t know. Her first time hanging out with the same kids every day. Her first time following their rules. Life wasn’t altered for her convenience and comfort anymore. She was on someone else’s time schedule and had to obey the rules…suffer someone else’s consequences. Her first really hard lessons.

Well, it’s week 4 now and she’s not crying when I leave her now (much). Although I’d really like to be able to send her to a really, really good daycare with field trips and sunny rooms, I think she’s safe and learning things. That’s what’s really important. She’s already claimed the play castle in the backyard as her own and has taken a role as teacher to the younger, less experienced youth there. She tells me of a boy named De’Shay(?) who apparently talks a lot when they are supposed to be sleeping. I’m sure my child appropriately shushes him. That’s my girl. Hopefully soon her potty-training will be back on schedule as well. We had a little setback with the change, but I’m confident that she’ll do better soon.

So we forge ahead to the next obstacle or challenge – which I think will be pre-school or kindergarten. Until then, we’ll try to enjoy each tantrum-filled, giggle-filled, tears-filled day.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds tough... but it does sound like things are improving... so that's good. GOOD LUCK!!!