Monday, April 18, 2011

Mo' money

Addison got $5 from her great-great aunt and $1.50 from an Easter Egg hunt. She was more excited about getting the quarters at the hunt than the massive amounts of candy she got. So, when we went to Meijer she had gathered her money in preparation of buying a new toy - her very favorite thing. So after much deliberation, she settled on a Strawberry Shortcake set with lots of tiny parts. When we got up to the register, I made her pay for her purchase separately so she could pay with her own money. She handed over her $5 and 5 of her quarters. She got one of her quarters back and a bunch of other change. He delightedly exclaimed "I got MORE money! More than I had!". Then started chanting "money, money, money". Looks like I have a little more teaching to do about money.

-- Post From My iPhone

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