Friday, July 29, 2011

Zentangle - #1, the very first

This was really my first attempt at this new thing I've discovered called "Zentangle". Not bad for a first try if I do say so myself. I love the repetitiveness of doing it and the freedom to just create without having to worry about the outcome. I think that's what intimidates me most about creating a new piece of artwork...the outcome. What if I spent all this time working on it and it looks awful? That's happened. I've scrapped paintings, torn out sketchbook pages (that's why I prefer a spiral bound - no evidence!). I've wasted time that I have so little of. With this, I feel like there's no expectation to the final product. It is what it is. It's the process that's the most rewarding, not the end. If it looks cool, yay. If not, it doesn't feel like such a wasted moment.

I'm scouring the internet for more patterns to use and for inspiration. I've seen some pretty cool stuff and for now am inspired. The problem with inspiration is that I think it's more of an aspiration - meaning I aspire for my work to be like that, not that you're choking on your own saliva. I've done that too and it feels ridiculous that you can't control your own slobber. Jeez. Anyway, I know I need to do less of that and more of my own thing, but that's hard when you don't really know what your "thing" is. I'm still trying to figure that out. This has been a long process for me and I feel that I get closer and closer to it, but just haven't quite reached it. I hope to sometime in this lifetime. Perhaps I'll be 80 when I figure it out - but I could sure use the money now. :) For now, I just play. Try to create something cool and hopefully sell some it along the way if not just to feed my habit.

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