Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tinkle tinkle

Here's an ACTUAL video of Addison. Singing. The sweetest version of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. I have to admit, we use a version of this song I call "Tinkle Tinkle" for potty training purposes. It's pretty much the same tune, with the exception of the lyrics: Tinkle. You just sing "tinkle" over and over again. Hey, it works! Sometimes we switch it up and sing the ABC song, but I'm a little concerned that when kindergarten comes around, she'll have an urgent need to go to the bathroom every time the alphabet is sung. I said it works now, I have no idea what the long term effects will be.

Anyway, I think you can hear her singing "Tinkle...Tinkle...STAR!" in the video. It comes across a little more grainy with YouTube.

It's pretty amazing all the new words she's learning. She knows how to count to 2. She knows what 2 is. She knows pink and blue. She knows sockie. We had a discussion about which colored socks she wanted to wear this morning. Since her Elmo socks were dirty, much to her dismay, she had to pick a pair of colored socks. She wanted blue, but they didn't go with her outfit, so we settled on pink. She can also sort of tell you what she wants. Sometimes it's like a cryptic puzzle to figure out. In the car today, for example, she was singing again and we were mimicking her. Next thing, she says "momma" "dadda" "2". I think she wanted us to sing together. Did you get that? Well, when we sing together she thinks it's quite amusing. So we do. It's fun to hear her talking and figuring things out. Most times though, we're still shrugging and looking at each other while she cries because we can't understand what she wants. It will come. For now, she'll just have to settle on chips, hot dogs, and cookies until she can learn more words.

1 comment:

Grandma Louise said...

This is so cute. She sure has grown since I saw her last. When you sent me the first blog I couldn't open it. I got this one from you Dad. This is a wonderful way to keep up with her progress since I don't see her very much.
Love it.

Grandma Louise