Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

Surprisingly, Addison wasn't as in to trick-or-treating this year as she was last year. We made it way farther last year. She was done before we got to the top of our street. I think she much rathered seeing all the other trick-or-treaters and passing out candy. Since she's not all that in to candy, I guess I can understand that. What was most amusing was how bothered she'd get when someone wouldn't say "You're Welcome" after she said "Thank you". At one lady's house she kept saying "Thank you" because all the lady would say was "OK". I was pulling her along as she repeatedly said it. We get to the end of the driveway and Addison says "She wouldn't say 'you're welcome'". Who knew I'd have a teaching moment about why that's okay. We still pushed her to go a little further up the street and lo' and behold, Greg falls while holding her. His superman move resulted in very little damage on her part (she just fell on her bum). He, unfortunately, took the brunt of the fall and skinned his knee. It's a miracle or something that neither of them had to go to the emergency room as it was slowly passing before my eyes. Truly, she was done after that...and I'd be a monster to make her continue (although, we did sneak in one more house). :) All in all it was a good Halloween and she was adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your writing is really nice..keep it up!