Monday, September 8, 2014

Latest experimentation with a palette knife

8"X10", Acrylic
I'm loading all these pictures at once today, so they are a bit out of order...but this was a painting I had done that I just wasn't happy with. Didn't know what to do with. An experiment gone wrong. I kept the canvas in front of my work space in the hopes that some day the lightbulb would go on and I would proclaim "YES! THAT is what I wanted it to be!". Months have gone by and this stupid thing was staring me in the face. Then I daydreamed. I've been thinking of ways to use a palette knife to create a piece of work. Wasn't sure how I wanted to do it and I kept having visions of a flower - and using really THICK globs of paint, but it just seemed daunting. Didn't quite make sense...but it wouldn't leave my head. Then, it happened. I had that moment. I was driving home - which is when I tend to daydream about stuff (dangerous I know, but I pass by some wall art on my way home every day and I can't help but dream about projects). It hit me that I needed to try this. And I had the perfect canvas to do it with! I immediately started on it when I walked through the door. I have to say I'm quite pleased with it. I experimented with the colors and for awhile it was very dark with the blues. I experimented with scraping paint from my plate and applying it to the canvas. I experimented with putting paint directly on the canvas. I experimented with the colors I used (yellow and orange are very weak colors). Success! And it was liberating to do in the process. I'm definitely going to try this again.

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