Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's that smell?

So I'm talking with a co-worker about my frustration over the copy machine not working. Suddenly she's holding her nose and says "Oh my God. Do you smell that? It's so strong it's making me nauseous. I feel like I want to throw up!". This is pretty much verbatim. A little nervously (since we're the only two in the area) I say "No, I don't think so...what do you smell?". Still pinching her nostrils she says, "that cologne! The copy guy that just left had way too much on and I can't get it out of my nose! It's making me sick.". I say, "Huh. I don't smell anything." as I discreetly step back. She says, "Seriously, you don't smell anything? Must be my allergies making me sensitive.". "Maybe that's it.", I reply. Then I give her a sympathetic look, act busy and back away trying not to blush. I quickly slink to the bathroom to wash my hands because I realized she was talking about ME! I had just put on some hand lotion which apparently has a very strong cologne smell.
I wish that were the end of the tale, but it's not. She comes to my office a little while later and almost immediately pinches her nose again. Christ, I can't get this crap off my hands!! It's like friggin glue. My scarlet letter. "Oh wow. It's over here too. You really can't smell it? It's everywhere!". Now you might think at this point she might be obviously sending me a message, but she's not the type. She would be as mortified as I was if she knew I was the one carrying the offensive odor. But geez, let it go already. I moved out of the line of my desk fan so as not to blow the stench further in her direction. I'm dying partly of embarrassment and partly of laughter because an officemate of mine to whom I had revealed my mortification was snickering as she walked by when I was talking to the offended. I just sat there and giggled inappropriately to my co-workers odiferous woes and vowed to get rid of the lotion that has caused me so much grief. All this over some dry hands. I'd rather have cracked knuckles than go through that horror again.
In case you're wondering, it's B&BW's Breathe/Energy, Exhilarating Ginger Verbena. Ironic, wouldn't you say? I still think it smells good, just be warned you should only wear it in a breezy open field about 10 miles away from humans.

-- Post From My iPhone

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