Wednesday, February 24, 2010

AI top 24 night 2

Todrick Hall - I'm not much of an R&B fan, but this kid has a way of rearranging a song like none other. I like him. He's brilliant. I think the judges were totally wrong. In one breath they are telling contestants that they have to make the song their own, and the next breath they are saying it was too much. Where is the happy medium? I agree the runs were a bit much, but I can overlook that.

Aaron Kelly - didn't blow me away, and if you wear braces or a retainer or whatever, you really need to have it removed during competition. That slight wet, smacky sound I hear is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Jermaine Sellars - this kid is cocky and needs to watch it. He didn't impress me much either. The beginning was weak. The rest he screamed. No thanks. He definitely thought he did better than he did.

Tim Urban - who got cut? Hmm. I'm going to have to look into that. He's a cute kid. He'll have to do a lot better if he really wants to go further. I think he may get cut tomorrow though. And there is something weird he does when he's singing to the camera.

Kara ~ honey, somebody overdid it with the bronzer tonight. I'm just saying.

Joe Munoz - ok, when he started singing I thought he was singing in another language. He could probably do well, but he was verrrry nervous and you could hear it.

Tyler Grady - he's a little different, but I think I like him. I like that he brings a retro taste. Vocally probably not the best, but I want to see more...just cause.

Lee Dewyze - oh yeah, I remember him. Props to those who can play an instrument and sing at the same time. Needs work on the vocals. He fell flat a lot when he was holding a note. I don't think it's time for him to go home yet. Be careful about sounding like Daughtry and Nickelback, Chasing Cars and all those bands that kind of sound the same.

John Park - didn't hear anything special from this performance. His runs were all over the place and he wins the prize for worst song choice of the night. He's cute though. Maybe he needs another chance.

Michael Lynche - he's still here. Gotta love the media blowing things out of proportion. I truly think they make things up sometimes just to see how far it will go. Anyway, I want to like Michael. He sings okay but it's a little too much in his nose. He also has really weird song choices. Not wrong necessarily, but not anything I'd expect him to be singing.

Alex Lambert - a mullet? Please don't bring that back. The plastic sunglasses are bad enough. I didn't hate it (the performance). He seemed a little terrified. He also looks way older than 19 to me.

Casey James - no fair trying to make him laugh Kara. I think it could very well have been the best of the boys. I wish my hair looked like that.

Andrew Garcia - I've heard better from him, but he might be my favorite male performer.

-- Post From My iPhone

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