Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Top 7 - again

1. Lil Rounds - "I'm Every Woman" - Okay, I was close last week, wasn't I? Come on. It didn't deserve that much applause. Why does she look so weird this week? She also looks very irritated with the criticism. Will she talk back? Hmmm...Paula says, considering she had no voice yesterday, she sounds good today? I don't really think that's a compliment. She's gotta go. All she can sing is R&B. That's all she cares about and that's all she sings. boring.

2. Kris - "She Works Hard for the Money" - Everyone should be worried Disco week. I'll give him credit for making it sound different and making it his own. Is that really a disco song? It didn't even come out until 1983. Donna Summers was a disco queen, but this wasn't really disco music, was it? When did disco die?

3. Danny - "September" - I wish he would have mixed this song up a bit. It wasn't the best that he's done. Just average for me tonight...but he looked hot! Adorable. He's not going anywhere.

4. Allison - "Hot Stuff" - Donna Summers again? Weren't there other disco artists? I dunno. What the hell is Paula saying tonight? "Compromise is not in your vocal vocabulary"? Huh?

5. Adam - "If I Can't Have You" - Interesting choice. It was flawless and brilliant. He's unbeatable. At this point I really think he could take the whole thing.

Let me say close-ups of Paula and high-definition television are NOT a good match.

6. Matt - "Staying Alive" - I'm over Matt. Even thought I wasn't ever "in" to him. I want to say he did better than last week, but I'm not even sure of that. He's definitely an underdog and I could definitely see him going home.

7. Anoop - "Dim All the Lights" - Oh, no. Anoop DAWG! That was terrible. I think he knew it too. That was too high for him. I didn't like the song choice at all. The judges weren't too hard on him, but in this case Simon agrees with me.

Seriously...what would the 70's have been without Donna Summers?

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