Wednesday, March 3, 2010

American Idol Top 20 girls

Crystal - she's great. She's original. She's refreshing. I'm glad she's back.

Haeley - of course she's singing Miley Cyrus. You can't see me but I roll my eyes continuously while she's talking, singing, breathing. Blehhh. She blew it anyway.

Lacey - better than last week but she started out rough. It did get much better at the end so I hope people can look past the first part. She is very nervous.

Katie - I thought it was great. The advice she gets is inconsistent and confusing. If that's her style, that's her style. There aren't many good young artists for her to emulate.

Didi - hmm. The arrangement was very weird. I'm not sure I liked it.

Michelle - it wasn't the best. Not the best of the night and not her personal best. Kinda disappointed. And she had some bizarro gloves on.

Lilly - I still love her. It was a strange song choice, but it was okay.

Katelyn - I had my doubts with a Coldplay song, but I thought it was good and showed a different side of her. Her head tilting when people are talking to her reminds me of a curious puppy. It's kind of annoying.

Paige - I wasn't watching her sing, so by not seeing her I thought she was identical to Kelly Clarkson. It was good but they are always talking about being different and not sound like the original singer and I think she could have been an impersonator.

Siobhan - she has a different style for sure. And she's a little odd. I am so over this song. "think" and I don't think it was her best. She hit the high notes well, but it wasn't all great.

-- Post From My iPhone

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