Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 12: Rolling Stones week

Rolling Stones is kind of a strange choice of musical groups, but whatever I guess.
Michael did okay.
Didi I wasn't so crazy about. Maybe it was the song?
Casey - maybe this was a more appropriate challenge for him. He's done better than the previous two and I liked the guitar. He looked so nervous and soo excited.
Lacey - it was interesting, but I'm not sure it was good enough.
Andrew - I didn't like the song choice. Wasn't impressed, but I still have love for Andrew.
Katie - not bad. I think it might have been one of her best. Not my favorite. She reminds me a teensy of Kathrine McPhee only not vocally as good.
Tim - hmmm. He makes goofy faces. He seemed off a bit. I liked the song and the arrangement, but he was kind of pitchy to me. Maybe I don't know the song.
Siobhan - quirky little Siobhan. She was gorgeous! The song lingered at the beginning but I think it got better toward the end. Not a personal best for her, but she's a strong singer. He always ends well. Is that an Edward Gorey tattoo on her right arm? Sorry mom, but that's cool.
Lee - am I repeating myself every week? Maybe I'm contradicting, I don't know cause I'm not looking back. He's not my favorite. I'm sure I've been pretty consistent about that. That said, he did pretty good. I liked this performance more than any of his past ones.
Paige - if she doesn't go home this week...I'll be disappointed. She just can't sing those lower registered. And it was a stupid song for her. She struggled with her voice this week? She struggles with it every week. Seriously. They'll think differently when they hear it back.
Aaron - oh yeah, I forgot about him. He's got a ways to go. I think with age he'll get better but I don't think he's better than anyone else performing.
Crystal - amazing! And how cute was her dad?!

-- Post From My iPhone

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