Sunday, March 21, 2010

The lady at the bus stop

I saw a homely looking woman waiting for the bus last week. Don't get me wrong, because around here the bus transport does not have a good reputation and those that use it are not looked upon favorably even if it's a choice. Anyway, back to the lonely woman. There she sat on a sunny, clear almost Spring day. Waiting. She was dressed relatively poorly - trousers too short for her tall frame, baggy shirt and jacket and a large bag holding any number of treasures. Even her shoes had seen better days. She wasnt particularly attractive. What struck me most about this woman was the sponge curler smack dab in the middle of her forehead. All I could think of, or wonder about was who was that curler for? She obviously had to have had it in for some special occasion later, right? She could have taken it out before riding the bus, but this seemed purposeful. Some big occasion that she'd patiently wait for her bangs to curl over her forehead. Was she planning on a romantic interlude? Perhaps just meeting with an old friend. Maybe even just visiting with family. So, here I am wondering what she did later and wishing it was worth her efforts to look pretty and hoping that someone else noticed.

-- Post From My iPhone

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