Saturday, March 14, 2009

Me talk funny

Addison has been talking up a storm lately. About 90% of the time I can understand what she's saying (maybe 80%??). Her simple language is cute, but also makes me wonder why we have to cloud our language with extra words? Addison gets what she wants usually with simple sentences. "More cereal", "I need milk", "juice", "chocolate malt" or simply pointing at something and saying "more". She'll even say "tv on" when she's ready to watch a favorite show or "no!no!no!" if you try to watch something that you enjoy instead. That's pretty clear and doesn't need a bunch of extras for me to understand what she wants. "Help" is a word though we've been working on. She gets very frustrated when she can't do something and often throws a fit. We encourage her to ask for help before she blows her top, but that doesn't always work either. By that time she's so angry at what she couldn't accomplish and the novelty of it has worn off so she just ends up pissed. No one is happy then. We're also trying to teach her to say "potty", but that's a no-go for now. I'm hoping soon. Anyway, back the language thing. I think we have the weirdest language on the planet. It's such a mishmosh of words from other countries ~ which is, I guess, what makes up our country. It's what makes ours such an eclectic nation. It also makes our language the most confusing. Spelling is going to be a nightmare. I'm pretty good at it, but the nature of our language certainly doesn't make it simple. I think I remember as a child wondering why the word "of" was spelled with an "f" and not a "v" like it sounds. There doesn't seem to be any reason why it can't be phonetic. This all comes to light as we try to teach Addison the right names and expressions for things. I keep getting reminded of how many different ways there are to say the same thing and how confusing that can be. It's impossible to teach a 2 year old to talk! Why can't we just go back to the caveman language we started out with...grunting and pointing. I mean, they got by, right? They understood each other with just a handful of sounds. Maybe we should be removing words from the dictionary, not adding to it. We need less words, not more. Ponder. Later.

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